Cooking fish in an individual foil parcel is ideal for me coz I get to have the flavours I like without having to do two dinners coz dad doesn't like anything much. I got frozen hake fillets from waitrose (via ocado) and cooked them in tinfoil parcels (from frozen!).
Ingredients per portion:
Hake fillet.
1/4 fennel bulb, finely sliced.
5 or 6 cherry tomatoes.
Few marinated olives (depending on size, mine were fat ones stuffed with almonds)
Slice of lemon
Lovage leaves
Garlic oil
Preheat the oven to 200c & tear off a sheet of tinfoil that will be big enough to scrunch closed around the fish and lay flat. Drizzle some garlic oil on the foil then place the fish fillet on top. Scatter the lovage leaves over the top then lay the lemon slice on the fish. Get the foil lifted up around the fish a bit then pop the tomatoes, sliced fennel & olives on top. Scrunch the foil so it's sealed then put in the oven on s baking tray for 25 minutes (or a bit longer if you forget it; not saying you will or I did ;-) - there's so much liquid in the parcel it won't dry out).