Welcome all, fill your tum with my num num nums.

Gluten, Dairy & Legume free recipes; some by design, others are just nice recipes that happen to be! There are recipes and also shopping 'finds', all of which are good for free from people and all yummy whether you are following a particular diet or not! Just because something is 'free from' doesn't mean everyone can't enjoy it - and you may be surpised at how much happier your body is.

'Special' is how my friends describe my food and me, I don't think it's entirely complimentary!

Saturday, 22 September 2012

More Cauliflower Rice

I am having a bit of a love affair with cauliflower rice at the moment though I still think it should be called cauliflower cous cous - the consistency is much more like that.

It's surprisingly filling, goes with everything and is so versatile! From simply garlicky, to Elanas Pantry dirty rice version to today's fridge raider version ...

For my one person portion I fried some chopped garlic with a handful of fine diced butternut squash and 2 slices of snipped up turkey bacon until they were just about cooked then added a handful of pinenuts then fried for a few more minutes. I had food processed half a very small cauliflower (I usually figure about a quarter cauliflower per person) until it looked like cous cous (it just doesn't look like rice!) I added it to the pan with a splash of water and some herbs. In retrospect those herbs should have been sage & parsley so let's just pretend those are the ones I used.

I ate this with tuna steaks marinated with lemon & herb nandos spices. Yum. 

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