Welcome all, fill your tum with my num num nums.

Gluten, Dairy & Legume free recipes; some by design, others are just nice recipes that happen to be! There are recipes and also shopping 'finds', all of which are good for free from people and all yummy whether you are following a particular diet or not! Just because something is 'free from' doesn't mean everyone can't enjoy it - and you may be surpised at how much happier your body is.

'Special' is how my friends describe my food and me, I don't think it's entirely complimentary!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Catch up time

Terribly behind with my posting of recipes but I will catch up ... someday! Gonna try to at least try & not add to the backlog!

In the meantime here's a wee catch-up on what's been going on in my kitchen!
1. I started doing weight watchers (again! Lost loads last time & the new pro points system let's you eat lots) - this shouldn't affect the recipes too much apart from the cakes & ice cream - the joy of weight watchers is that you can eat anything within your points! Expect to see points values on the new recipes.
2. I am Bento mad at lunch times, have a wee miffy Bento Bag and a growing number of tubs & boxes! The whole separating your food out & madness with the accessories totally appeals to me too, what can I say - I have issues! Lots of little tasty treats & lots of inventive uses for leftovers - it totally brightens up my lunchtime & suits the working desk top lunch! Bento is the way forward! It's fusion Bento really but more oriental than not.
3. Japanese food is rocking my world at the moment - well I have always loved it - and with the help of some moulds am even venturing into sushi (no raw fish as yet - not sure I could get sushi grade fish in Derby market)! Some rather hit & miss results so far but once I've got easy peasy cheaty sushi (chusi?) down pat I'll do a post!

The next post will be the last bit of baking I did before starting weight watchers - maple bacon cookies, think American pancakes in cookie form!

The pic is from my recent trip back down south to see my folks which reminded me that I am & always be a southern girl. And southern guys are hotter - there I said it!

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