Welcome all, fill your tum with my num num nums.

Gluten, Dairy & Legume free recipes; some by design, others are just nice recipes that happen to be! There are recipes and also shopping 'finds', all of which are good for free from people and all yummy whether you are following a particular diet or not! Just because something is 'free from' doesn't mean everyone can't enjoy it - and you may be surpised at how much happier your body is.

'Special' is how my friends describe my food and me, I don't think it's entirely complimentary!

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Shopping: Lazy Day Foods

Just got a lovely little box of treats from Lazy Day Foods; they missed out a couple of things from my order and the millionaires shortbread has soya flour in which it didn't say on the website so they sent me some extra treats gratis, except some more reviews soon when I have eaten up all my chocolate cupcakes! They sent me chocolate chip shortbread (I know that is going to be good without trying it) and some chocolate orange slices.

1 comment:

  1. I must admit I ate some of the Millionaires Shortbread anyway, as they said the soya flour wasn't a major ingredient, and it is very very good! Bad Claire!
